HearthStone Quality Home Heating Products Inc
Tudor Model #8120
The installation must conform with local
codes or, in the absences of local codes, the
current National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1
(NFPA 54) or CAN/CGA B149 Installation
(Installer l’appareil selon les codes ou
règlements locaux, ou, en l’absence de tels
règlements, selon les Codes d’installation
Do not use this appliance
if any part has been under water.
Immediately call a qualified service
technician to inspect the heater and to
replace any part of the control system and
gas control that has been under water.
pas se servir de cet appareil s’il a été plongé
dans l’eau, complètement ou en partie.
Appeler un technicien qualifié pour inspector
l’appareil et remplacer toute partie du système
de contrôle et toute commande qui ont été
plongés dans l’lau.)
The Tudor is easily operated by the
homeowner once installed and adjusted by
qualified service personnel. The unit can be
controlled via the wall-mounted thermostat
during the heating season. Set the thermostat
to the desired room temperature and the unit
will cycle on and off as required. By
adjusting the variable output control located
on the gas control valve, the rate of heat
output can be varied to meet the heating
requirements of the season. Choosing a low
flame setting will result in longer burn
cycles at a reduced output, while choosing a
high flame setting will result in a shorter,
hotter burn cycle. Through trial and error,
the homeowner can select the optimum
flame size for their setting and application.
During the summer non-heating season,
switch the wall thermostat to “OFF”, and
turn off the pilot. This will improve the
overall efficiency of the unit as the heat
from the pilot is wasted. When putting the
unit back into service, follow the lighting
instructions described on page 23.
When the unit is first lit, especially when
cool, it is normal to experience some
condensation on the inside of the window
glass. This condensation will burn off within
the first few minutes of operation. If
continuous condensation on the window
glass or dripping water from any part of the
unit or venting system (chimney) is noted,
immediately discontinue operation of the
unit and contact qualified service personnel.
Clean the area around, under, and behind the
unit on a regular basis to prevent the
accumulation of dust and lint.
The Tudor requires
minimal routine
maintenance and care. It should always be
cool and off when being cleaned, or
serviced. Once a year, the unit, and venting
system should be inspected by qualified
service personnel to insure that they are
clean, free of obstruction, safe, and in good
working order. If service or maintenance is
required, qualified service personnel should
perform it.
If you believe your Tudor is not, in any way,
performing properly, immediately
discontinue operation until the unit has been
inspected and approved by qualified service
personnel. Prior to servicing the unit, turn
the valve control knob clockwise to “OFF”.
The unit should be cool prior to servicing
and cleaning. Use of any components not
supplied by HearthStone on the stove voids
all warranties.
Do not substitute