chaPter 14
chiMneY anD tOP FLue
The principle of the chimney is to discharge exhaust from the flue
into the atmosphere.
Please refer to the “Best Burn Practices” located on the inside
front cover of this Operations and Maintenance Manual.
Make sure chimney and chimney extensions are clean and in
good condition.
The chimney may be cleaned from the top with a chimney-cleaning
device. Inspect the chimney once a month during the heating
season to ensure there is not an excessive amount of creosote.
If an excessive creosote buildup has occurred, it must be removed
promptly to reduce the risk of a chimney fire.
When the unit is shut down for the summer, inspect and clean the chimney for the next heating season. When
the furnace is not in use, cover chimney so nothing can enter.
Chimney Extension(s)
Chimney extensions discharge smoke higher into the atmosphere. They also discharge sparks higher into the
atmosphere, so they have more chance of being burned out before they reach the ground. Approved chimney
extensions may be added to the chimney to discharge smoke to higher levels. Discharging smoke at a higher
level helps keep smoke above property level, especially on low pressure or cloudy, hazy or wet days. When
installing chimney extension you must have no less than three tech-12 screws (self-tapping). Any chimney
extension exceeding 10ft must be supported with guide wires.
Please refer to the “Best Burn Practices” located on the inside
front cover of this Operations and Maintenance Manual.
Maintenance / Result
1) See chimney maintenance above.
2) Purchase approved chimney extensions that fit together correctly. If the extensions don’t fit properly,
creosote will run down the outside of the chimney extensions and cause corrosion to the roof.
3) Annually remove chimney extensions for cleaning and safety purposes.
In case of chimney fire shut off combustion fan switch and consult your dealer.
8 inch x 32.5 inch 200 ssrii extensions are available from your local dealer.
If more than one extension is used on the 200 SSRII, use all insulated extensions. Insulated
extensions are also available from your local dealer.