Front Light and Fan Power Switch
1) To provide light while fueling.
2) To provide a means of turning off the combustion air blower on demand.
3) To provide a visual warning that electrical power to the combustion air blower has been terminated.
Operation of the Front Light and Fan Power Switch
• By adjusting the fan power switch to the down position, the electrical power to the combustion air
blower is manually terminated, and the front light turns on.
• This light will then illuminate the area in front of the HEATMOR™.
• The light must be turned off for electrical power to be running to the combustion air blower.
Removal and Replacement of the Front Light Bulb
1) Remove the glass globe by first loosening the setscrew and then unscrew the globe.
2) Replace the light bulb.
3) Replace the globe and tighten the setscrew.
Removal and Replacement of the Fan Power/Light Switch
1) Turn off the main electrical power supply to the HEATMOR™.
2) Remove the switch cover plate.
3) Make a sketch of the location of the wires on the switch.
4) Remove the wires, and replace the switch. This is a special 3-way switch.
5) Replace the wires as in the diagram.
6) Secure the cover plate.
7) Turn the main electrical power supply back on to the HEATMOR™.
note: it is recommended to contact a licensed electrician to perform the above operation.
In the Event of a Power Failure
If a power failure occurs during the use of a HEATMOR™, do not open the firebox door to provide draft for
the fire to burn. Allow the fire to go out. In case of a prolonged power failure, a generator should be used as a
back-up power source.
iF the Water teMPerature is hiGh enOuGh tO triGGer
the hiGh Water teMPerature saFetY shutOFF,
the FrOnt LiGht WiLL nOt turn On When the
Fan POWer sWitch is in the DOWn POsitiOn.
Front Light