chaPter 18
air LeaKs
Checking For Air Leaks
Once your HEATMOR™ system is up and running, we recommend that you conduct an initial check for air
leaks from the furnace. To detect an air leak, put some green grass (or something which will create heavy
smoke) into the furnace. When the furnace is smoking, cover the chimney and turn off the blower and watch for
smoke leaks.
If you suspect an air leak is coming from the 200 SSRII A.R.D. itself, close the outside door and lock it. Next,
feel underneath the outside door with your fingers until you can feel the rod from the A.R.D. If you are able to
move this rod at all, it needs to be adjusted. (See Anti-Roll Out Device Maintenance)
Air leaks cause the fire to not burn as hot or efficiently. In result you will use more wood to achieve the desired
water temperature. The HEATMOR™ Outdoor Furnace is designed with over / under forced drafts and if air
leaks occur, it would change the output of the furnace.
air LeaKs intO the FireBOX WiLL cause the FOrMatiOn OF eXcess creOsOte.