In the display function Wind Direction the display of minimum or
maximum values is unnecessary. There is however the
possibility to realize wind direction alarms.
Start the menu in the text section by touching the center of the
WIND section.
Proceed with ٭DIR AL٭.
In the following menu up to 16 separate alarms can be realized
(depending on the basic setup clockwise around the compass
card from N via NNE etc. through NNW or from 0° via 22.5° etc.
through 337.5°). Here the wind direction can be selected with
٭UP٭ or ٭DOWN٭ and switched ON or OFF with ٭(Wind
Direction) ON/OFF٭ in the upper left part of the menu display.
Activation or deactivation of every respective wind direction
alarm with ٭ON٭ or ٭OFF٭ in the menu step shown below.
Leaving the mode with ٭EXIT٭.
Operating and Setting of Functions EL Backlight
Buzzer and Alarm in the WIND Section
EL Backlight
For better readability of the LCD the EL backlight can be
switched ON or OFF by once touching the LIGHT section. In
condition ON the backlight will be switched on for approximately
15 seconds every time any one of the LCD sections is being
The switching condition (Enabled/Disabled) is shown in the text
section for about 30 seconds.