Service and Maintenance
Edition September 2000
General Remarks on Maintenance
Avoid humidity, dust and electrostatic charges, if
Store the trays, cassettes and originals in a dry
place which does not become very dusty.
Remove stains immediately. Do not wait until the
stains have dried!
Provide sufficient ventilation when performing
any cleaning procedures.
Do not allow the cleaning liquids to run over the
surface to be cleaned.
Only mount dry, clean originals. If possible, avoid
using Anti Newton oil.
When cleaning, avoid using:
- Silicone-based domestic cleaners
- Tap water (this leaves mineral deposits)
- Antistatic cloths (this leaves a residue)
- Methylated spirits: Methylated spirit
PCBs and semi-conductor modules should remain
in their original packing as long as possible. When
shipped or stored, use either the original or
adequate protective packing.