8. Regulating Linkage
8. Regulating Linkage
8.1. Length of Regulating Rack
The length of the regulating rack is determined in such a way that approx. 90 % of the
governor output shaft adjustment angle can be used. Based on this, the rack length L of
governors with 42° adjustment angle is calculated as L = 1.5 a, "a" being the travel
distance of the injection pump or the carburettor.
8.2. Connecting Linkage
The connecting linkage from the governor to the injection pump or the carburettor should
be length-adjustable and have a (pressure or tension) elastic link. If possible, joint rod
heads in accordance with DIN 648 should be used as connecting links. The linkage must
operate easily and without clearance.
In case of friction or backlash in the linkage connecting actuator and injection pump resp.
throttle valve no optimal control is possible.