1 General Remarks
1. General Remarks
Heinzmann digital governors with control unit DC 162 - 02, DC 302 - 02 and
DC 402 - 02 constitute speed governors offering a medium range of functions.
In addition to speed regulation, the following functions are available:
a) Starting Fuel Flow Adjustment
When setting starting fuel flow, starting minimum fuel flow or starting maximum fuel
flow are available as alternatives. Furthermore, variable starting fuel flow can be
provided, by which starting fuel flow is increased automatically during start-up.
b) Speed Ramp
For applications in which speed is not supposed to respond as fast as possible to changes of
setpoint values (e.g., locomotive operation), a speed ramp is available which according to
requirements may be programmed separately for increasing or decreasing speed.
c) Fixed Fuel Limitation
For the stop-position and the maximum fuelling position "electric catches" can be provided.
This will prevent the governor's thrust from affecting the terminal stops of the injection pump,
d) Speed Dependent Fuel Limitation
For variable speed governors, there is provided an option of programming speed
dependent limit curves. Thus, for any speed, torque can be reduced as is permissible for
the engine or desired by the user.
e) Boost Pressure Dependent Fuel Limitation
For turbocharged engines, fuelling can be reduced to achieve smokeless operation in
case of missing boost pressure (e.g., starting or load change). The respective limit
curves can be programmed accordingly.
f) Idling and Maximum Speed Control
For vehicle application, the governor can be made to operate as an idling and maximum
speed controller. In addition, one fixed intermediate speed is available, e.g., for an
application combining driving and stationary mode (e.g., generator at power take-off).
If necessary, a change-over switching of the droop can be provided, i.e., during
stationary operation also droop zero is possible.