Temperature Probes
A probe bottle along with a container of propylene glycol have been provided with this unit. The propylene glycol is mixed with
water to create a solution which simulates the product stored in the freezer. The product simulation solution temperature reflects
the product’s temperature during normal operation.
Temperature probes are fragile; handle with care.
Failure to fill probe bottles or keep probe bottles filled to the appropriate level may not allow the chamber temperature to
stabilize at the freezer setpoint or the chamber temperature to display higher or lower than the actual temperature.
Primary Monitor Probe
The primary monitor probe bottle is located at the top left side of the freezer.
Upright probe bottle
Undercounter probe bottle
Fill Temperature Probe Bottle
Use approximately 4 oz. (120 mL) of product simulation solution (1:1 ratio of water to propylene glycol). Propylene glycol
is included in freezer box.
1. Remove all probes from bottle and remove bottle from bracket.
Remove cap and fill with approximately 4 oz. (120 mL) of product simulation solution.
3. Secure cap on bottle and place in bracket.
4. Replace probes, immersing at least 2” (50 mm) in solution.
Helmer Scientific i.Series
Horizon Series
Instructions for Use