Quick Installation Guide
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The Tx array geometry defines the Tx beam pattern. The rectangular configuration with 0.5
Lambda along the water front and 0.15 Lambda perpendicular provides a theoretical null
towards the Rx array and a quite narrow beam towards the bore sight of the radar. At the
outer edges (± 60°) the Tx signal is already attenuated by more than 10 dB.
For this reason the
optimum Tx geometry
is 0.35 to 0.45 Lambda x 0.15 Lambda. This
provides a wider beam width -6 dB at the edges and a soft minimum towards the Rx array.
Cable Protection
The Rx cables need to be protected against direct sunlight because this will lead to
inhomogeneous heating resulting in different phase shifts. This can reduce the angular
accuracy of the beam forming process. If for a non permanent installation the cables are
buried in the ground it should be taken into account that removing the cables can cause
strong mechanical stress that may damage the cables.
Please note
, that the preferred low loss cables are sensitive to mechanical stress and do
not allow narrow bending.
Tx array exact in-line with Rx array
Use a flexible tube to protect cables
or dig a cable channel