Logging Method Descriptions
Linear log type measures and records at a user-defined fixed interval of one minute or more. This
method is used for long-term studies, landfill monitoring, stream gauging, tidal studies, and
background monitoring prior to aquifer testing. Intervals are measured in days, hours, or minutes.
Log type measures and records the first reading at 1 second, with 1 second added to each
subsequent reading interval for 255 readings.
Downloading Data to PC
If the dipperLog is deployed on a direct read downhole cable, connect the PC communication cable at
the well head, otherwise retrieve dipperLog from the deployment location and connect the PC
communication cable directly to the dipperLog.
Launch the dipperLog Software.
Connect a PC Communication Cable to your PC and the other end to the dipperLog or well
head reader.
Select “Connect Loggers” in the bottom left corner of the screen.
If you have multiple loggers connected to multiple PC Communication Cables, the dropdown
list to the right of the “Connect Loggers” button will contain all of your connected loggers. The
logger highlighted within the list, is the information that will be displayed on the “Logger
Information” tab.
Click “Download” and the selected logger will begin to download.
Data in memory will be downloaded and displayed.
Download will not cause the mission to be stopped or paused.
Download will not cause the data to be erased from the memory
Data will not be saved upon download, this must be done manually.
Pressure and temperature data will be displayed on the same graph.
Once downloaded, the “Data Reports” tab will open and display both graphical and tabular
representations of collected readings.
The data reports page can be customized to display the data in a variety of layouts.