Copyright © 2011-2019 by Highly Reliable Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Alt ID
Unique ID assigned to the disk by the system. This ID is generated by system using the disk's
vendor, model number, serial number, and bus connection. A given disk may get a different 'Alt
ID' if it is connected to a different bus (e.g. eSATA vs. USB3).
Friendly Disk Name
User defined disk name. Seed RAID Disk
Seed a RAID 1 disk with the specified disk.
If the RAID disk currently exists, the RAID disk will be paused and restarted with the selected disk as
the master disk and any other disks already in the RAID will be added to the restarted RAID disk and a
rebuild will start, copying the data from the seed disk to the other disk(s). The data on the old RAID
disk will be overwritten by the new data on the seed disk.
If the RAID disk does not exist, a new RAID disk will be created with the selected seed disk as the
Illustration 108: Seed RAID Disk
RAID Identification
Friendly Disk Name
User defined disk name.
Universally unique identifier assigned to this RAID Set.
Array Size
Size of the RAID Set in GB's (Gigabytes) or TB's (Terabytes) as appropriate.
RAID Level
RAID level for this RAID set.