SC2000 Series Vision Sensor User Manual
Enable Area
After enabling area, you can set the area range where Blob will be searched.
Enable Circumference
After enabling circumference, you can set the circumference range where Blob will be searched.
Enable Short Axis
After enabling it, you can enter the range of short axis.
Enable Long Axis
After enabling it, you can enter the range of long axis.
Enable Circularity
After enabling circularity, you can set circularity range where Blob will be searched.
Enable Rectangularity
After enabling rectangularity, you can set rectangularity range where Blob will be searched.
Enable Centroid Offset
It refers to the absolute pixel offset between the Blob centroid and the minimum area of the
Blob circumscribed rectangle.
It includes By Area (From Large to Small), Sort from Top to Down, Sort from Left to Right, 2D
Sort, Sort by Angle, and No Sort.
In image processing, the object we are interested in is usually a combination of interconnected
pixels. Therefore, in order to obtain an area, we must calculate all the connected areas that are
contained in the area after division. On a rectangular pixel grid, there are two definitions of
connectivity. The first one is that the two pixels have a common edge, that is, one pixel is above,
below, to the left or to the right of the other pixel, which is called 4-connectivity. The second
definition is the extension of the first definition. The adjacent pixels on the diagonal line are also
included, which is called 8-connectivity.