SC2000E(Mini) Series Vision Sensor Quick Start Guide
Select Obtain an IP address automatically to get an IP address of the PC automatically.
Or select Use the following IP address to set an IP address for the PC manually.
Figure 5-3 Set PC Network
3. Set NIC property.
1) Go to NIC settings page: Control Panel → Hardware and Sound → Device Manager →
Network Adapter.
2) Select corresponding network interface card, and click Link Speed.
3) Set Speed and Duplex as Auto-Negotiation or 100 Mbps.
5.4 Set Device Network
You can set and operate the device in the client software only when the device is in the same
network segment with the PC where the client software is installed.
1. Double click the client software to run it.
2. Click
in the device list to find the device.
3. Right click the device to be connected.
4. Click Edit IP Address.
5. Set the IP address of the device in the same network segment with the PC.