5. Set the No.1 and No.2 switches of the 8-digit DIP Switch on the main control board by referring
to the following figure.
6. Power on the device again.
For details about the DIP switch value and meaning, see DIP Switch Description.
The barrier will open automatically and turns back to the closed position. At this circumstance,
the device enters the normal mode.
5.2 Pair Keyfob (Optional)
Pair the remote control to the device through DIP switch to open/close the barrier remotely.
Before You Start
Ask our technique supports or sales and purchase the keyfob.
Up to 32 keyfobs can be added to the turnstile.
1. Power off the turnstile.
2. Set the No.4 switch of the DIP Switch on the access control board to the ON side.
3. Power on the turnstile and it will enter the keyfob pairing mode.
4. Hold the Close button for more than 10 seconds. Or pair turnstile and keyfob in the client
software, see Manage Keyfob User of the user manual for more details.
The keyfob's indicator of the will flash twice if the pairing is completed.
5. Set the No.4 switch to OFF, and reboot the turnstile to take effect.
DS-K3B501SX Series Swing Barrier Quick Start Guide