Configuring EtherNet/IP and defining signals
2. Entering the tag for the IO item:
Enter a name for each IO item in the column
using the characters
A‑Z, a‑z, 0‑9 and _ (underscore) only.
The name (
) is used for the signal name to address the data.
3. Entering the description of the IO item (optional):
In the column
you can enter a text (e.g. temperature
sensor) which helps you describe the use of the data.
This description is used only if you print the signal list.
4. Configuring EtherNet/IP:
Repeat steps 1‑3 until all required IO items (assemblies) are inserted
into the „IO Item“ list.
The EtherNet/IP configuration is prepared.
5. Saving the configuration:
To save the EtherNet/IP configuration in the Edge Gateway, click
The EtherNet/IP configuration in the Edge Gateway is saved, but not
active yet
To activate the EtherNet/IP configuration, you have to click
in the fieldbus node as soon as you have finished the
EtherNet/IP configuration.
In the next step define the signal names as described in section
Defining signals (procedure)
Each IO item (assembly) contains one or more bytes for input or output
data. To enable the fieldbus node to access the input or output data, you
have to select a signal at the fieldbus node. You can use the predefined
signal name or define your own signal name.
The upper table (IO item) shows the IO item (assembly) for which you can
define signals on this page. For defining signals, use the lower table
Each IO item (assembly) already has a predefined signal. The predefined
signal comprises and addresses the entire IO item (assembly). If you want
to access a „part“ of the IO item, you can define a new signal for this
Example 1: The IO item contains 16 bytes. If you want to access each
single byte, define 16 signals of data type byte each.
Example 2: The IO item contains 2 bytes that correspond to 16 digital input
or outputs. If you want to access each single bit, define 16 signals of data
type bit each.
Edge Gateway | NIOT-E-TPI51-EN-RE (Connect)
DOC170502UM04EN | Revision 4 | English | 2018-08 | Released | Public
© Hilscher 2017 – 2018