Calibrating Your ESCs
Estimated time to complete: 10 minutes
This is your last calibration, and it’s necessary to ensure your ESCs all have the same values
for start and stop. If you aren’t lucky enough to have a third arm, it might be good to have a
friend help with this.
If the battery is still plugged in, unplug it and turn on your transmitter, and if your
Programmer isn’t already plugged in, plug it into the ribbon cable.
Plug in your battery and wait for your receiver and transmitter to bind. Then unplug the
battery. Do NOT turn off your transmitter. With your transmitter on, move the left stick
(your throttle) all the way to full power. Then simultaneously hold down the rightmost and
leftmost keys on your Programmer.
While you hold the keys down, have your friend attach the battery. Keep holding them
down. The screen on your Programmer will read “Throttle Pass-Through,” and you will hear a
series of beeps. Keep holding those keys down.
When the beeps end, without releasing the keys have your friend now move the left stick
(your throttle) all the way to the bottom. Keep holding the keys down until you hear another
few beeps. When the beeping stops, that says all ESCs are calibrated for stop at the same
time. You can now release the keys and unplug the battery.
Unplug your programmer from the ribbon cable. Tuck the ribbon cable inside your drone,
and store the Programmer in a Very Safe Place. If you ever need to redo any of your
calibration tests or change any settings, you can plug the programmer back in to do so. If
you lose the Programmer, you can buy a replacement, but that’s a drag. Best to not lose it.