not exceed 1 m. It is necessary to keep in mind the possible incline of the finished product
(climb and descent with flying machines, up and down hills with ground vehicles).
The maximum length of the pressure line should be no longer than 500 mm, with minimum
inside radius of 6 mm. Do not exceed the maximum pressure between the centre of the
diaphragm pump and the centre of the carburettor float housing.
In case the diaphragm pump is added on to the engine, it has to be installed vertical to the
crankshaft axis (power take off to ignition side). This guarantees that vibrations coming from
the engine around the crankshaft axis do not impede the actions and function of the diaphragm
pump with conflicting vibrations.
Adjusting the Carburettors
Adjustment of the slide on the dual carburettors is accomplished by Bowden cables.
It is best
to route the two cables to a single point with a Y-fitting. If possible, both cables should have
the same length between the Y-fitting and the carburettors.
At idle (both slides sit on the idle stop screw), there should be some play so that the slide can
securely reach the idle position.
It is absolutely necessary to take care that both slides of the carburettors move simultaneously.
The idle position of the slides must be the same with both carburettors. In order to
accomplish this, the slides must be brought on the same level in the idle position, using the
idle stop screws (measure and adjust the opening height of both slides to the same level).
When pulling the slides open, they should both be synchronized to lift off from the adjustment
screws at the same time to open the passage.
Securing the Spark Plug Caps: Inverted Installation
If the engine is installed in an inverted position, the spark plug caps must be secured in such a
way to prevent interruption or breaking of contact through vibration of the engine (Secure
with safety wire).
Disconnecting Ignition System
Both circuit breakers must absolutely be installed to separate multiple switches. These
instructions must absolutely be followed, since combining the two multiple cables to one
switch, will cause one circuit to drop out.
Engine instruments
It is urgently recommended that the cylinder head temperature, the exhaust gas temperature,
and the fuel pressure be monitored.
Proper adjustment
of the engine guarantees its trouble free functioning under the prescribed
installation conditions. When engine installation is not carried out by
there are sometimes problems, such as insufficient flow of cool air, a fuel tank installed too
low for ascending and descending flight/uphill and downhill driving, and it is absolutely
necessary for secure engine operation that the cylinder head temperature, exhaust gas
temperature, and fuel pressure be monitored.
The table below lists items that can be ordered from
Göbler-Hirth Engines Ltd.