True High Defi nition 1080 line resolution
The ability of Hitachi Plasma Screens to produce crisp, vibrant images is due to the use of
Alternative Lighting of Surfaces (ALIS) technology. Precise, vertical 1024 x 1080 pixels and a high luminance
effect are achieved by emitting light from even numbered and odd numbered lines alternately every
1/50 of a second. This results in a fi ne pitch display of over one million pixels and the ability to match
High Defi nition input signals.
Fast response for motion pictures
Using the same fl uorescent phosphors as conventional Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) televisions to emit light,
Hitachi Plasma TVs are ideally suited for displaying moving images. The fast response for motion pictures
results in smooth, natural moving images.
Advanced ALIS panel – up to 1,400cd/m2
The ALIS (Alternate Lighting of Surfaces) technology on Hitachi’s Plasma models will dazzle you with its
ability to match High Defi nition input signals. With a fi ne pitch display of over one million pixels, every
detail is reproduced to perfection. Precise, vertical 1024 x 1080 pixels and a high luminance effect are made
possible by emitting light from even numbered and odd numbered lines alternately every 1/50 of a second.
1080i Input
Normal Panel
Normal Panel
(Normal image)
1080 lines of High Definition input signals are displayed with little interpolation processing.
1080i Input
ALIS Panel
1080 lines
1080 lines
9000 Series Plasma with ALIS 1080 Line Panel
(High Definition image)
1/50 seconds
1/50 seconds
1/50 seconds
1/50 seconds