Packet Filtering of Inter-LPAR
To ensure the independence of LPAR networks within the same server blade
and to shield networks from external networks, communication packets
between LPARs can be filtered. This subsection describes filtering setting
values, descriptions of functionality, communication-destination
environments, and behaviors.
Disable setting for inter-LPAR communication packet filtering
This is the default value and the basic operation of the shared NIC.
When the communication source and the communication destination
are in the same network segment, LPAR manager transfers packets to
the destination LPAR via the virtual switch.
When the communication source and the communication destination
are in different network segments, packets are transferred to the
external network.
Enable setting for inter-LPAR communication packet filtering
Even when the communication source and the communication
destination are in the same network segment, LPAR manager
disconnects inter-LPAR communication via the virtual switch.
LPAR manager transfers all packets to the external network.
Use this setting when systems that do not communicate each other
are integrated into the same server blade.
Disable (ALL) setting for inter-LPAR communication packet filtering
When the communication source and the communication destination
are in the same network segment, LPAR manager transfers packets to
the destination LPAR via the virtual switch, and then transfer the
packets to the external network.
When the communication source and the communication destination
are in different network segments, LPAR manager transfers packets to
the external network.
Use inter-LPAR communication within the range of the maximum
possible bandwidth of the LAN switch because all packets are
transferred to the external network.
Use this setting when employing a redundant network configuration
through Intel(R) PROSet connection monitoring in Windows, Linux
bonding, or similar. For details, see
Using inter-LPAR communication
in a redundant network configuration on page 10-9
FC (Fibre Channel)
FC (Fibre Channel) has 2 modes below.
LPAR manager Functions
Hitachi Compute Blade 500 Series Logical partitioning manager User's Guide