Chapter 3 General Specifications
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Network type
: Choose “UDP”.
: Choose any one task. The variables are sent at the end of a task cycle.
List identifier
: If more than 2 global variable list is configured, set a number in ascending order.
Cyclic transmission
: Since variables are sent every task cycle, set interval time as same or bigger than cycle time
of configured task. If smaller time than task cycle is set, actual sending cycle is limited by task cycle.
Transmit on change
: Variables are sent only if their values have changed; the Minimum gap can define a minimum
time lapse between transfers.
Transmit on event
: Variables are sent while specified variable is TRUE. Be noted that it is not edge detection but
level detection.
Refer to online help of EHV-CoDeSys for further information.
In this sample, one global variable “test_var” is defined and one-line program is written in POU as below.
[ CPU “Receive” ]
The next step is configuration for receiving CPU. Right click on “Application” of Receive-CPU and choose “Global
Network Variable List...” Be sure to check if Sender is properly set as configured list above.
Configuration is completed for both send and receive-CPU.