– BACnet Client
User Manual r1.2 EN
© HMS Industrial Networks S.L.U - All rights reserved
This information is subject to change without notice
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Powering the device
A power supply working with any of the voltage range allowed is needed (check section 6). Once connected the RUN
led (Figure above) will turn on.
In order to avoid earth loops that can damage the gateway and/or any other equipment connected to it,
we strongly recommend:
The use of DC power supplies, floating or with the negative terminal connected to earth.
Never use a
DC power supply with the positive terminal connected to earth
The use of AC power supplies only if they are floating and not powering any other device.
Connection to KNX
Connect the communication cable coming from the KNXnetwork hub or switch to the ETH port (Figure above) of
In case there is no response from the KNX installation or KNX devices to the frames sent by Intesis, check that they
are operative and reachable from the network connection used by Intesis.
Check as well if there is a line coupler that it is not filtering the telegrams from/to the Intesis.
Connection to BACnet
4.3.1 BACnet IP
Connect the communication cable coming from the network hub or switch to the ETH port (Figure above) of Intesis.
The cable to be used shall be a straight Ethernet UTP/FTP CAT5 cable
In case there is no response from the BACnet devices to the frames sent by Intesis, check that they are operative
and reachable from the network connection used by Intesis. Check the Intesis Ethernet interface sending
to its
IP address using a PC connected to the same Ethernet network.
Check as well with the network admin that there are no limitations regarding UDP communication or ports blocked.
4.3.2 BACnet MSTP
Connect the EIA485 bus to connectors
B1 (B+), B2 (A-) and B3 (SNGD)
of gateway’s PortB. Respect the polarity.
Remember the characteristics of the standard EIA485 bus: maximum distance of 1200 meters, maximum 32 devices
connected to the bus, and in each end of the bus it must be a termination resistor of 120 Ω. Set port switch SW1 to
ON if gateway is installed on one bus end. SW2-3 will generally go to ON (polarization active), unless there is another
client / header device providing polarization in the same bus.
BACnet IP connection using switch/hub and straight cable
Ethernet straight