– BACnet Client
User Manual r1.2 EN
© HMS Industrial Networks S.L.U - All rights reserved
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Main parameter to set up for BACnet/IP, additional to basic IP settings (IP, netmask, default gateway) is the
communication port. Intesis uses port 47808 (0xBAC0) by default and it can be changed at configuration time.
When using BACnet/IP, device can also act as a Foreign Device (in order to be able to communicate with devices
that are in another network domain) and alternatively implement a BBMD itself (Bacnet/IP Broadcast Management
Device). This functionality facilitates communication of devices in other networks with the devices in the network
where Intesis is installed.
Communication with BACnet/IP excludes possibility of communicating with BACnet MSTP from Intesis.
When choosing BACnet MSTP device needs to be associated with a MAC address (address within the MSTP network
segment), to be configured with configuration software.
Following baud rates are supported for MSTP line: 9600, 19200, 38400, 76800, 115200 or Autobauding (autodetect).
Standard wiring guidelines for EIA485 apply for the BACnet MSTP line.
Communication with BACnet MSTP excludes possibility of communicating with BACnet/IP from Intesis.