Modbus Server
User Manual r1.0 EN
© HMS Industrial Networks S.L.U - All rights reserved
This information is subject to change without notice
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6. If you want to connect using IP, connect the Ethernet cable from the laptop PC to the port marked as Ethernet
of Intesis (More details in section 3).
If you want to connect using USB, connect the USB cable from the laptop PC to the port marked as Console
Intesis (More details in section 3).
7. Open Intesis MAPS, create a new project selecting a copy of the one named
8. Modify the configuration as desired, save it and download the configuration file to Intesis as explained in the
Intesis MAPS user manual.
9. Visit the Diagnostic section, enable COMMS () and check that there is communication activity, some TX frames
and some other RX frames. This means that the communication with the Centralized Controller and Modbus
Master devices is OK. In case there is no communication activity between Intesis and the Centralized Controller
and/or Modbus devices, check that those are operative: check the baud rate, the communication cable used to
connect all devices and any other communication parameter.
Figure 4.11
Enable COMMS