If at anytime during operation, the controls or propellers
become jammed or unresponsive, immediately reduce the
power to the propellers and land. Fix the problem before
attempting to fly.
Take off (or hand launch) heading directly into the wind.
If you hand launch, you can remove the main landing
gear by gently pulling the landing gear wires straight out
of the mounts.When flying without landing gear, land on
grass only to minimize damage to the motor nacelles and
Cut power
to the motors completely just before
the propellers touch the ground to prevent any damage.
The tail wheel cannot be removed.
Hand launch with throttle set at ¾ to full power, wings level
and with a slight toss (it is not necessary to aggressively
throw this model to hand launch it).
Once in the air, gain altitude to allow yourself sufficient
reaction time to make a correction during flight. Once you’re
comfortable, adjust the aileron and elevator trims one click
at a time so that the Micro DC-3/C-47 flies straight and level
with the control sticks centered.
Concentrate on using small aileron control inputs so the
model turns without banking the wings excessively. A slight
amount of up elevator may be necessary to maintain altitude
going into a turn and the elevator will need to be returned to
neutral when coming out of a turn to avoid gaining altitude.
It’s recommended that you attempt to land before the motors
lose power and don’t have enough voltage to maintain
altitude or the low-voltage cut-off stops the motors. Always
land directly into the wind if possible. Gradually reduce
power when you are close to the landing spot. When close
to the ground and about to touch down, pull the elevator
stick back slightly to raise the nose of the model and slow
the landing speed to “flair” for landing. Unplug the battery
from the model and switch off the transmitter. Allow the
motors to cool between flights.
To replace the propellers, first make sure the battery is
unplugged. Remove the spinner by gently wiggling it and
breaking the glue joint that holds the spinner in place on
the propeller.
Gently and carefully hold the motor shaft with needle nose
pliers or a hemostat to keep it from rotating and gently
unscrew the propellers from the shafts. As shown in the
picture, the left propeller unscrews clockwise and the right
propeller unscrews counterclockwise.
BE SURE you replace
the propeller with the same rotating direction propeller!
The spinner can be glued back on the propeller with a
small amount of aliphatic (white) glue. Allow the glue to dry
sufficiently before flying the model. Gently pull on the spinner
to make sure it is really glued to the propeller.