If you, as the original owner of this model, discover defects in parts and workmanship within 90 days of purchase, Hobbico will repair or replace
it – at the option of our authorized U.S. repair facility, Hobby Services – without charge. Our liability does not include the cost of shipping to us.
However, Hobby Services will pay shipping expenses to return your model to you. You must provide proof of purchase, such as your original
purchase invoice or receipt, for your model’s warranty to be honored. This warranty does not apply to damage or defects caused by misuse or
improper assembly, service or shipment. Modifications, alterations or repair by anyone other than Hobby Services voids this warranty. We are
sorry, but we cannot be responsible for crash damage and/or resulting loss of kits, engines, accessories, etc.
Your Hobbistar .60 MKII ARF must be returned directly to Hobby Services for warranty work. The address is: Hobby Services, Attn: Service
Department, 1610 Interstate Drive, Champaign, IL 61822-1067. Phone: (217) 398-0007. Please follow the instructions below when returning
your model. This will help our experienced technicians to repair and return it as quickly as possible.
1. ALWAYS return your entire system, including airplane and radio.
2. Disconnect the receiver battery switch harness and make sure that the transmitter is turned off. Disconnect all batteries and drain all fuel.
3. Include a list of all items returned and a THOROUGH, written explanation of the problem and service needed. If you expect the repair to be
covered under warranty, also include your proof of purchase.
4. Include your full return address and a phone number where you can be reached during the day.
If your model is past the 90 day warranty period or is excluded from warranty coverage, you can still receive repair service through Hobby Services
at a nominal cost. Repair charges and postage may be prepaid or billed COD. Additional postage charges will be applied for non-warranty returns.
All repairs shipped outside the United States must be prepaid in U.S. funds only. All pictures, descriptions and specifications found in this
instruction manual and on the product package are subject to change without notice. Hobbico maintains no responsibility for inadvertent errors.
© Copyright 2001
HCAZ3083 for HCAA2101 V1.0
Wingspan: 71" [1,803mm]
Wing area: 887.5" [57.24 sq. dm.]
Weight: 7 lbs [3,630g]
Wing loading: 18 oz/sq ft [55 g/sq. cm]
Length: 55" [1,397mm]
Radio: 4-ch (four servos)
Engine: .61 two-stroke, .91 four-stroke
[10cc 2-stroke, 15cc 4-stroke]