5. You have now completed the assembly of the high
wing confi guration of the Mini Switch!
Once you are accustomed to fl ying the high wing confi guration,
it’s time to move the wings and give the low wing confi guration
a try. You will fi nd that the lower wing position changes the
aerobatic characteristics of the plane. In general, the low
wing will perform most aerial maneuvers better than the high
wing. You may fi nd the control response a little slower, but
also smoother, than the high wing.
Remove the wing panels from the high wing
confi guration canopy hatch by disconnecting the aileron
Y-harness, loosening the wing joiner screw and sliding the
panels off of the joiner tube.
2. Remove the battery hatch by sliding the lever forward
and lifting the hatch away. Push the wing pocket plugs out
and set them aside for later use.
3. Loosen the outer wing screws three complete turns.
4. Insert the wing joiner tube through the joiner tube
holes in the fuselage.
5. Slide the wing panels onto the wing joiner. The
aileron servo leads should fi t through the slots in the
fuselage sides. Be sure the panels are fully seated against
the fuselage inside the wing pockets. Tighten the inner
wing screws against the wing joiner tube. Pull on the wing
panels to confi rm they won’t separate in fl ight.