5. With the transmitter and plane switched on,
center the elevator, rudder and aileron sticks and
trim levers. Use a straight edge to adjust the rudder
and elevator so that they are in the neutral position
and tighten the screws in the pushrod connectors.
The throws are measured at the widest part of
the elevator and rudder. Adjust the position of
the pushrods at the servo arms and the control
horns to change the amount of throw. Moving the
pushrod out away from the center of the servo arm
or in on the control horn will increase the amount
the control surface moves.
1. When viewing the airplane from the aft end,
move the left control stick to the left. The rudder
must move to the left. If it does not, change the
position of the rudder servo reversing switch on
the transmitter. When the left stick is moved all
the way left, the trailing edge of the rudder should
move to the
left 3/8" [9.5mm]
. When the left stick
is moved all the way right, the trailing edge of the
rudder should move to the
right 3/8" [9.5mm]
2. By moving the right stick down, the elevator
must move up. If it does not, change the position
of the elevator servo reversing switch on the
transmitter. When the right stick is moved all the
way down (towards you), the trailing edge (back
edge) of the elevator should move up
1/2" [13mm]
When the right stick is moved all the way up (away
from you) the trailing edge of the elevator should
move down
1/2" [13mm]