place, thread the 3mm x 4mm screw into
the connector.
Install the steering pushrod
71. Slide the wire steering pushrod into the
pushrod connector. Straighten the nose gear and
tighten the pushrod connector. Using a wire cutter,
carefully remove the excess wire, leaving only about
3/4” remaining past the connector.
Connect the throttle servo
72. Install the second pushrod connector onto the
throttle servo arm. Slide the throttle pushrod wire
through the connector. Hand tighten this screw so
that the carburetor is half open. Final throttle
adjustment will be made later. Using a wire cutter,
carefully remove the excess wire, leaving only about
3/4” remaining past the connector.
Connect the aileron servo
Hold the ailerons at neutral and mark the
servo wheel where the rods intersect (see sketch).
Note the wires are intentionally positioned off center
to cause the aileron to travel further up than down,
which is known as “differential aileron throw.” This
will give smoother banking control
and will reduce the airplanes
adverse yaw tendency (typical with
flat bottom wings). Make a “Z” bend
at the mark on each wire and
connect to the servo wheel. You will
have to remove the wheel to connect
the rods. Enlarge the holes if needed
using a 5/64” drill bit.
Straighten the antenna
74. Unwind the antenna and
straighten (do not stretch) the wire to its full length.
Do not cut the antenna wire as this will decrease the
range and sensitivity of your receiver.
Drill an antenna exit
75. Using a 3/16” drill bit, drill a hole centered
approximately 3/4” behind the wing saddle on top of
the fuselage. Cut a 3/8” long piece of medium fuel
tubing and center it inside this hole.
Securing the antenna
76. Route the antenna away from the servos and up
through the antenna exit. Use a trimmed servo arm
and rubber band at the end of the antenna to a pin
pushed in the top of the stab.