AerocrAft cAm quAd user’s Guide
When trimmed properly, the Quad-Copter should stay in the same general position and
not be spinning right or left around its axis while hovering with the control sticks centered.
flyinG the AerocrAft cAmquAd quAd-copter
fliGht trimminG, continued....
• If the Quad-Copter moves
right, press the Bank Right/
Left Trim Switch LEFT several
times until the Quad-Copter
stops moving right.
• If the Quad-Copter moves
forward, press the Forward/
Backward Trim Switch
BACKWARD several times
until the Quad-Copter stops
moving forward.
• If the Quad-Copter moves
backward, press the Forward/
Backward Trim Switch
FORWARD several times
until the Quad-Copter stops
moving backward.
• If the Quad-Copter motors turn ON
with the left control stick pulled all
the way back, press the Throttle Up/
Down Trim Switch DOWN several
times until the motors turn OFF.
fliGht bAsics
1) With the front of the Quad-Copter facing away from you, slowly push the left control stick
(throttle) forward until the propeller blades begin to spin, then continue to push the left control
stick farther forward to increase the speed of the propeller blades and take off.
2) Move the right control stick as required in very small increments to keep the Quad-Copter
hovering in the same general area about 2 to 3 feet off the ground.
3) Slowly move the right control stick to the right and left and see how the Quad-Copter banks
and moves to the right and left, then slowly move the right control stick forward and backward
and see how the Quad-Copter banks and moves forward and backward.
4) Slowly move the left control stick to the right and left and see how the Quad-Copter spins
around its center axis right and left.
To be successful when learning, make small control inputs. Over-controlling is a mistake all
new pilots make. Never move the control sticks more than halfway (except the throttle, and
only when necessary) and try to make all movements very small.
When learning to fly, we suggest always trying to keep the Quad-Copter about 2 to 3 feet off
the ground and in a relatively small flying area. If at any time you feel as if the Quad-Copter is
getting out of control, pull the left control stick back to reduce power. The Quad-Copter will
quickly descend. In some cases, if you’re flying too high or too fast, this can result in slight
damage to the Quad-Copter, but that’s better than crashing into someone or something.