Arduino 2WD Smart Robot Car Kit
You’ll need the following:
1 x Arduino Sensor Shield v5.0
- Use a needle nose plier if pins need alignment
1 x L298N Dual H-Bridge Motor Driver - Connected to both DC
1 x Arduino Uno board
- DO NOT plug in USB & DC at the same time
1 x 40 Pin Breakable Headers
- Not needed for the kit
4 x Servo Mounting Brackets - You’ll need this for fastening the servo
3 x Servo beams
- You’ll need this for mounting the servo
1 x Servo Motor (SG90)
- You’re going to mount HC-SR04 on this
1 x Arduino USB Cable
- To program your Arduino board
1 x HC-SR04 Sensor
- Ultrasonic Ranging Detector
2 x DC Motors
2 x 2.51” Rubber wheels
- High Grip Rubber Tires
1 x Acrylic Robot Chassis
- That’s covered with adhesive protection
2 x Speed encoders
- Not needed for the kit
1 x DC 1.5V Battery Holder
- Will be connected to the switch
4 x Motor Blocks
- To connect DC Motors to the chassis
2 x Stranded 24 AWG Wire Sets - To connect switch and other components
1 x ON/OFF Switch
- Kill Switch
1 x Metal ball Caster
- The third wheel
1 x Female DC Power Adapter
- To be connected to the Arduino board
1 x M3 Screw, Spacer and Nut Set
1 x Jumper Wire Set
1 x Untapped Spacer Set
Recommended Tools
1 x Needle Nose Plier
1 x Flush Wire Cutter
1 x Wire Stripper
1 x Screwdriver (+)
1 x Hammer
1 x Soldering Iron (Optional)
Heat Shrink (Optional)
Brass Sponge (Optional)