Easy Trak II
Blood Glucose Monitoring System is made up of the
Easy Trak II
Easy Trak II
Blood Glucose Monitoring System is designed for ease of use and to provide
accurate results when testing your own blood glucose level anytime, anywhere. The
Trak II
Blood Glucose Monitoring System is specifically designed for diabetes health care
professionals, hospitals, and most importantly, people with diabetes. Studies show that keeping
your blood glucose levels in control may decrease the chance of developing more serious
diabetic related symptoms such as kidney disease and loss of eyesight.
Easy Trak II
Blood Glucose
Monitoring System process is based on
bio-electrode sensor technology. This
unique design allows you to use a small
amount of blood o produce results in
only a short amount of time.
Test strip and code in the meter. The
Easy Trak II
normal control solution is part of the testing
materials to ensure quality control. Low and high controls are also available.
Easy Trak II
Blood Glucose Monitoring System
User’s manual for Easy T
rak II