• Please wait until teach-in is completed.
• If teaching-in was successful, the LED lights up
green. The device is now ready for use.
• If the LED lights up red, please try again.
• Please select in which application you want to
use the device.
• Allocate the device to a room and give the device
a name.
Please read this entire section before starting to
mount the device.
You can use the supplied clip-on frame
to mount the
temperature and humiditiy sensor or easily integrate it
into an existing switch (see „5.2.2 Screw mounting“ on
page 36).
If you want to mount the temperature and humidity sen-
sor with the supplied clip-on frame, you can use
• the supplied double-sided adhesive strips or
• the supplied screws
to fix it to a wall.
You can also mount the temperature and humidity sensor
on a flush-mounting box.