The six buttons of the wall-mount remote control are de-
fined as three separate button pairs (BP
, BP2
). The right buttons are defined for the functions
„on/brighter/up“, the left buttons for the functions „off/
You can define the functions for each button pair accord-
ing to your personal needs and, for example, comfortably
switch lights on and off.
One of the supplied labelling templates can be used or in-
dividually adjusted. You will find different labelling tem-
plates in the download area of www.homematic-ip.com.
Replacing batteries
If an empty battery is displayed via the app or the device
(see sec. „8.4 Error codes and flashing sequences“ on
page 46), replace the used batteries by two new LR03/
micro/AAA batteries. You must observe the correct bat-
tery polarity.
To replace the batteries of the wall-mount remote con-
trol, please proceed as follows:
• Once mounted, the remote control can easily be
pulled out of the frame
or removed from the
mounting plate
. To remove the remote control
from the frame, take hold of the sides of the
remote control and pull it out
(see figure 2)
. You