Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.
CBR 250R
Warranty Policy
Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India (Pvt.) Ltd. (HMSI) gives the following warranty in respect
CBR 250R”
manufactured by them.
Proper care and precaution has been taken to ensure the best quality in respect of the material and
workmanship in manufacturing
CBR 250R”
HMSI will replace or repair at their authorised workshops, free of charge, within a period of 24 months
from the date of sale or until the vehicle has been driven for 32,000 kms. of run, whichever event occurs
first, such part or parts thereof as may be found, on examination, to have manufacturing defect.
Warranty claims in respect of proprietary parts like tyres and battery are warranted by their respective
manufacturers and should be claimed on them directly by customer.
Battery Warranty is applicable from 21 months from Date Of Charging at manufacturer or 18
Months from the Date Of Sale or 20000 Kms whichever is earlier.
In all such cases the decision of the respective manufacturer will be final and binding.
HMSI shall not be liable in any manner to replace them though their dealers will give full assistance in
preferring such claims on their manufacturers.
HMSI undertake no liability in the matter of consequential loss or damage caused due to the failure
of the parts. Delay, if any, at the repairing workshop in carrying out repair to vehicle shall not be a
ground for extending the warranty period nor shall it give any right to the customer for claiming any
compensation for damages.
HMSI reserves the right either to repair or replace the defective part.
Where a defective part can replaced by part/s of alternative brand/s, which are normally used by HMSI
in the course of manufacturing, HMSI reserves the right to carry out the replacement by a part or parts
of any such alternative brands.
Valid in India only