Maintenance Schedule
Servicing Your Honda
Maintenance Schedule
To maintain the safety and reliability of your CRF,
regular inspection and service is required as shown
in the Maintenance Schedule that follows.
The Maintenance Schedule lists items that can be
performed with basic mechanical skills and hand
tools. Procedures for these items are provided in
this manual.
The Maintenance Schedule also includes items that
involve more extensive procedures and may
require special training, tools, and equipment.
Therefore, we recommend that you have your
dealer perform these tasks unless you have
advanced mechanical skills and the required tools.
Procedures for items in this schedule are provided
in an official Honda Service Manual available for
purchase from your dealer (page 174).
Service intervals in the maintenance schedule are
expressed in terms of races and riding hours. To
avoid overlooking required service, we urge you to
develop a convenient way to record the number of
races and/or hours you ride.
If you do not feel capable of performing a given
task or need assistance, remember that your Honda
dealer knows your CRF best and is fully equipped
to maintain and repair it. If you decide to do your
own maintenance, use only Honda Genuine Parts
or their equivalents for repair or replacement to
ensure the best quality and reliability.
Perform the
pre-ride inspection
scheduled maintenance period.
Summary of Maintenance Schedule Notes and
1. Clean after every moto for dusty riding
2. Replace every 2 years. Replacement requires
mechanical skill.
3. Replace after the first break-in ride.
4. Inspect after the first break-in ride.
5. Replace the transmission oil, if the clutch discs
and plates are replaced.
6. Replace every year.
Maintenance Procedures:
I : inspect and clean, adjust, lubricate or replace if
C : clean
A: adjust
L : lubricate
R : replace