System (2)
4 - 10
Model 1010 Application Pack CB
Part No.: 4418024 - Rev. 1
Programming Manual
If disabled, you must use the switch on the instrument to access the
hardware test mode.
Select one of the following options:
4.2.9 Timeouts
Allows the operator to set the keyboard timeout and the Clear/
Reconnect timers.
Keyboard Timeout
An operator must enter information or respond to a question within the
timeout period, or the instrument will return to the default display.
Enter a value in the following range:
0 to 6000 seconds (60*)
If a fault is detected on the overfill/ground, vapour recovery, or
programmable permissive input, the load is immediately paused. The
operator must correct the fault within the timeout period or the
instrument terminates the load.
Enter a value in the following range:
0 to 999 seconds (300*)
4.2.10 Bay Number
Allows the operator to set the bay number.
Bay Number
Sets the bay number of the instrument.
Enter a value in the following range:
1 to 250 (1*)
4.3 Loading Options (22)
Use the Loading Options sub-menu of the System menu to set
operating prompts and system options.
Test Mode
If Test Mode is enabled, the 6 second timeout for displaying load
parameters is disabled. The display will indefinitely show parameters
selected using the Arm and Display keys when the service display is
active. The keyboard entry timeout is also disabled.
Select one of the following options: