April 2017
Series 8 C300 Controller User's Guide
8. C300 Redundancy operation
0. 8.9
Controller redundancy specifications
on the redundancy private path. The RDNSYNCSTATE
parameter is set to either PARTNERVISBL or INCOMPATIBLE.
This notification returns to normal if the controller is reconfigured
as redundant or if the partner is removed from the redundancy
link. For example, this notification is generated when the
redundancy cable of a loaded, non-redundant C300 is
connected to another C300. This notification is also be
generated when a partner Series 8 FIM module is added to a
redundant IOTA when the existing Series 8 FIM is explicitly
configured as nonredundant.
Redundancy Link Status - RDNLINKFAILED
The RDNLINKFAILED parameter is set ON when the redundancy cable is disconnected
and/or partner is not running. Once the redundancy cable is reconnected to a running
partner, the RDNLINKFAILED parameter is set OFF. Note that this parameter reflects
the physical status of the cable (connected vs. disconnected) and in no way indicates if
the redundancy cable is connected to a compatible partner. The 'Redundancy Link
Inactive' and 'Redundancy Link Active' notifications are generated when the
RDNLINKFAILED parameter is set ON and OFF, respectively.
Controller redundancy specifications
Control processing switchover interruption time
500 milliseconds
Initial synchronization time (from sync start to completion)
200 seconds
Maximum elapsed time between commanded switchover and
completion of initial synchronization
300 seconds
Maximum elapsed time between switchover due to power
cycle of the primary and completion of initial synchronization
300 seconds