Creating a batch or procedure
This section provides information on how to create a batch or a procedure.
Batch or procedure creation and SOR
As is the case for other areas within Experion, your scope of responsibility (SOR) will
determine the displays that you can see and access within the Activities sub-system. The
summary display conforms to all existing Operator security mechanisms including Asset
Permissions, Operator Security Level, and Operator Control level.
If you have asset permissions of either “View Only” or “Ack Only”, you will be able to view
existing batches, and procedures but will not be able to create new ones or otherwise interact
with existing ones. To create a batch or procedure you need full control SOR access to the
recipe or procedure on which the batch or procedure is being created.
So in summary, to be able to create a batch, or procedure you need:
Full access SOR permission to the recipe or procedure on which you intend to base
your batch or procedure.
Higher operator security access than “View Only” or “Ack Only”
The appropriate asset permissions to the point against which the recipe or procedure
(RCM, SCM, or Class Based Recipe) has been created.
Lastly, when viewing the relevant summary display, the items that you will see are also
filtered according to your SOR. To be able to view a particular batch or procedure you must
have a minimum of “View Without Alarms” access to the point against which the SCM,
RCM, or Class Based Recipe (CBR) was used to create that entity.
Note that if you are using a CBR and you select a unit, the SOR automatically
changes to that of the unit.
The impact of SOR changes while creating or editing a batch or procedure
Changes in SOR can occur as a result of time outs, Station security level changes, or access
time periods. If your SOR changes while you are working in the activities sub-system, the list
of batches or procedures displayed in the summary will change accordingly. Depending on
the task you are performing when your SOR changes, one or more of the following situations
may occur:
Creating a batch or procedure
Honeywell 2017