Note that the color of callouts may vary, as they can be customized on a per Station basis.
About Station time-outs
Depending on the configuration settings at your site, the Station you are using may time out if
you have not used either the keyboard or mouse for a predetermined period.
What happens when a Station times out depends on how that Station or your operator profile
has been configured. So, for example:
If you logged on to a Station using what is known as a traditional operator’s account
(such as
), the Station will revert to the lowest security level (read-only)
and may or may not change to a different display.
If you logged on to a Station using your own individual operator account, the Station
display may change to a new display or may display the
Log in
dialog box.
Zooming in and out
You can zoom in or out of the display to make the display area of the Station window larger
or smaller.
To resize a display
1. Use the Zoom control on the toolbar to change the magnification of the display.
About alarms and other messages
Experion has a control system that generates appropriate messages, depending on how you
are expected to respond at prescribed times or whenever there is a significant change in your
system. The way in which you respond to a message depends on its type.
For this message type
Go to
. An alarm is generated whenever an abnormal condition occurs.
. An event is any significant change in the system, including any commands
you issue.
. A message can be generated for many reasons. For example, when a
point goes into alarm, you may receive an explanatory message in addition to the
alarm message. In other cases you may be required to perform a function before a
message can be acknowledged.
Understanding the basics
Honeywell 2017