HH490 User Guide
If you are creating a data format for Batch Mode Quantity, use 35 for the
Code I.D.
Note: 99 indicates all symbologies.
Step 5. Length
Specify what length (up to 9999 characters) of data will be acceptable for
this symbology. Scan the four digit data length from the
beginning on page 211. For example, 50 characters is entered as
Note: 9999 indicates all lengths.
Step 6. Editor Commands
(page 62). Scan the symbols
that represent the command you want to enter.
Step 7. Scan Save to save your data format, or Discard to exit without saving
your changes.
Enter Data Format
Other Programming Selections
Clear One Data Format
This deletes one data format for one symbology. If you are clearing the
primary format, scan 0 from the
211. If you are clearing an alternate format, scan 1, 2, or 3, depending on
the format you are clearing. Scan the Terminal Type and Code I.D. (see
on page 200), and the barcode data length for the
specific data format that you want to delete. All other formats remain
Clear all Data Formats
This clears all data formats.