Rev. B
In large video systems it may be necessary to have several operator access levels.
Selection of the
Keyboard Operators
tab allows for direct editing of all the properties for
each system operator. The details of each of the properties are described below.
Figure 6.8: Keyboard Operator Tab
Keyboard Operators
Operator Number
The Operator Number is purely a reference number used to distinguish one
operator or group of operators from another. The operator number field is NOT a
changeable field.
Operator Name
This is an 18-character description used to identify the current operator. It is
displayed on a monitor (or other video output channel with text insertion)
whenever that operator uses a keyboard.
Enter up to an 18-character description and press Enter on the keyboard.
The ‘Display Name’ in the OPERATOR PRIVILEGES field must be
enabled for the name to be displayed. Otherwise the description of the
keyboard is displayed.
Pin Number
If this field is left blank, the operator can sign on to control the video system
without entering a pin number. However, if there is a requirement to restrict
operator access from certain system functions then a pin code of up to 4 digits
can be entered in this field.
If applicable, enter a 4-digit pin number and press Enter on the keyboard.