Standard Object Types Supported - Notification Class
BACnet PIC Statement
BACNET-GW-3 Installation and Operation Manual – P/N LS10014-000NF-E:C6 5/5/2017
B.8 Standard Object Types Supported - Notification Class
Write Property/Add List element required for Intrinsic Reporting.
Data Link Layer Options:
BACnet IP, (Annex J)
BACnet IP, (Annex J), Foreign Device
ISO 8802-3, Ethernet (Clause 7)
ANSI/ATA 878.1, 2.5 Mb. ARCNET (Clause 8)
ANSI/ATA 878.1, RS-485 ARCNET (Clause 8), baud rate(s): ________
MS/TP MASTER (Clause 9), baud rate(s): ________
MS/TP SLAVE (Clause 9), baud rate(s): ________
Point-To-Point, EIA 232 (Clause 10), baud rate(s): ________
Point-To-Point, modem, (Clause 10), baud rate(s):
LonTalk, (Clause 11), medium: ________
Other: ________
B.8.1 Device Address Binding
Is static device binding supported? (This is currently necessary for two-way communication with
MS/TP slaves and certain other devices.)
B.8.2 Networking Options
Router, Clause 6 - List all routing configurations, e.g., ARCNET-Ethernet, Ethernet-MS/TP,
etc. BACnet to Proprietary ARCnet Fire Network
Annex H, BACnet Tunneling Router over IP
BACnet Broadcast Management Device (BBMD)
Does the BBMD support registrations by Foreign Devices?
B.8.3 Character Sets Supported
Indicating support for multiple character sets does not imply that they can all be supported
IBM/Microsoft DBCS
ISO 8859-1
ISO 10646 (UCS-2)
ISO 10646 (ICS-4)
JIS C 6226