1000 Integrated Avionics System
II Radio System
If the squitter function or the transmitter of the active Mode S
Transponder fails in flight, a SQUITTR INOP warning message is
displayed in red at the bottom of the ATC window. This message
indicates that the selected TCAS compatible Mode S Transponder has
lost some of its ability to operate as part of a collision avoidance system.
If the SQUITTR INOP message is displayed, do a pilot--activated
self--test (PAST) on the ATC. If the test fails (ATC ERR in red in the ATC
window), the transponder is most likely not transmitting properly. The
independent, other side transponder should be selected. If the
transponder passes PAST, the squitter function only is not operating
properly; this only slightly reduces the TCAS reply time. It is preferable
to use the other side transponder.
If a transponder fails (i.e., it does not accept a command from the RMU),
the RMU displays an ATC1 INOP or ATC2 INOP warning message in
red at the bottom of the ATC window. If ATC INOP is displayed, the
affected transponder should not be used. The independent, other side
transponder should be selected.
ADF Operation
The ADF receiver can drive a variety of bearing pointers. Its receiving
frequency range is 100 to 2183 KHz. The ADF frequency is turned like
for the COM and NAV modules, using the frequency select key next to
the ADF frequency window to position the yellow cursor box, and tuning
with the TUNE knobs.
The extended frequency range of the ADF tracks the new low frequency
non--directional beacons (NDBs) below 200 kHz as well as receiving the
marine emergency band at 2181 to 2183 kHz (installation dependent).