1000 Integrated Avionics System
Electronic Display System (EDS)
Map Range Control
When a parameter is not selected or being set, the rotary knob is used
to select the map display range.
1. When weather is displayed on the MFD, range is
controlled from the weather radar controller.
2. The rotary knob on the EICAS bezel controller is only
used to scroll the amber and cyan CAS messages.
Controller Conventions
When a menu item is boxed, that parameter is being displayed on the
PFD or MFD. Selecting a boxed item deselects the item.
Parameter Selected for Display
-- A selected parameter is
displayed only when the item is boxed on the appropriate menu. If
there is no box around the item, it is not displayed.
Parameter Selected for Setting
-- If the parameter is not boxed, the
first selection of the menu key below it, boxes the parameter or
causes dashes to be boxed if the parameter is being set. The rotary
knob is used to change a set value. Once the value is set, it is
displayed by pushing any other toggle key. Pushing the same toggle
key, deselects the parameter and erases entered data.