Chapter 2 - Installation
Installing Components
Installing redundant power supply
Installing redundant power supply chassis adapter
Installing redundant power supply
Use the following procedure to install a redundant power supply on the back panel of an enclosure.
Do not drill holes for a redundant power supply above an already installed chassis. Metal chips
from drilling can damage the backplane and cause intermittent operation.
1. Reference the following mounting dimensions and measure and mark the location of the mounting
tab holes for the power supply on the back panel. Or, if you have help, position the power supply in
the desired location on the back panel and use a center punch to mark the location of the mounting
tab holes.
The mounting hole dimensions for a redundant power supply are identical to the ones
for a 4-slot chassis.
2. Using the marks made in Step 1, drill tap holes in the back panel of the enclosure for #10 (M4) or
#12 (M5) mounting screws.
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