Safety Information
Before using and operating this device, read the following precautions to ensure optimal device
performance and avoid dangers or unauthorized operations.
To prevent hearing damage, avoid using the device at a high volume for long periods of time.
Some wireless devices may interfere with implantable medical devices and other medical equipment,
such as pacemakers, cochlear implants, and hearing aids. When using the product, keep it at least 15 cm
away from such medical devices. Consult the manufacturer of your medical equipment for more
Use this device at temperatures between 5
to 35
(40° to 90
) and store this device and its
accessories at temperatures between 5
to 35
to 90
). Extreme heat or cold may damage
this device.
When charging this device, ensure that the charger is plugged into a nearby power socket that is easy to
reach. Disconnect the charger from this device and unplug the charger from the power socket once this
device is fully charged.
Ensure that the power adapter meets the requirements of Clause Q.1 in IEC62368-1/EN62368-1 and it is
tested and approved according to national or local standards.
Observe all local tra
c laws and regulations while using this device. Do not use this device while
Keep this device and its accessories that may contain small components out of the reach of children.
Otherwise, children may damage this device and its accessories by mistake, or swallow small components,
which may cause choking.
Do not expose this device and its accessories to rain or moisture, as this is a potential
re hazard and may
cause you to experience an electric shock.
Avoid placing this device or its accessories in environments that are too hot (for example, near heat
sources or open
ame) or cold as this may cause device malfunctions or even explosions.