Device Description and Intended Use
This device is intended to measure human body temperature in children and adults. It
has a compact size and digital display and can be used in a professional or household
Parts and Assembly
Symbol Definitions
The following symbols are associated with your thermometer.
General Warnings
A warning statement in this manual identifies a condition or practice which, if
not corrected or discontinued immediately, could lead to patient injury,
illness, or death.
This instrument is designed for oral, rectal, or axillary use only.
High prolonged fever requires medical attention, especially for young children.
Please contact your physician.
Keep out of reach of unsupervised children. Components may be harmful if
Stop using the thermometer if it operates erratically or if the display malfunctions.
Oral readings are usually 0.5°F to 1.0°F degree lower than rectal readings;
axillary readings are generally 0.5°F to 1.0°F lower than oral readings.
Avoid taking temperature for 30 minutes after physical exercise, bathing,
dining, or drinking hot or cold beverages.
Allow the thermometer to warm naturally to room temperature before using.
Performance may be affected if operated or stored outside stated temperature and humidity
ranges or if the patient's temperature is below the ambient (room) temperature.
After using, clean the thermometer and place it into the case. Clean the unit by
wiping it with a dry cloth and disinfect the probe with isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol. See cleaning
instructions for additional details.
Keep thermometer away from direct sunlight, extreme temperatures, or dust.
Do not boil, bite, bend, drop, or disassemble the thermometer.
Do not open the unit except to replace the battery.
Do not use this device close to strong electromagnetic fields, such as mobile tele-
Do not autoclave. Please note the cleaning procedures described in this manual.
Dispose of batteries in accordance with locally applicable regulations, not with
domestic waste.
IP22: Protected against solid foreign objects of 12.5mm diameter and greater. Pro-
tected against vertically falling water drops when the device is tilted up to 15°.
How to Use
Disinfect the probe with isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol before using.
2. Press and release the multifunction button. The display will read
confirming the unit is functioning properly. The last measured temperature will be
displayed for approximately 2 seconds. Next the thermometer will read - - - °F,
(or - - -C°).
3. We recommend using probe covers with all digital stick thermometers. If using, place
cover over tip of unit.
4. Place the probe in the appropriate position for your measurement site (see
Accurate Temperature Measurement
5. The °F or °C symbol will flash when the unit is ready to measure temperature.
Please note that the “ ” indicates a low battery. See instructions for replacing
battery before measuring temperature. Do not expect an accurate temperature
reading if this low battery indicator is present. An “ERR” message in the
window indicates your unit is not functioning properly.
6. Depending on the measurement site, the unit will complete measurement in
approximately 30-40 (oral), 25-35 (rectal), or 90 (axillary) seconds. The display
will flash and the unit will beep signaling completion.
7. Read and record the temperature and time for reference. The reading will automatically
be stored in the memory.
8. The unit will automatically turn off in about 8 minutes. To prolong battery life,
press the multifunction button to turn off the device manually.
Switching Temperature Modes
From the OFF position, the Celsius or Fahrenheit mode can be switched by pressing and
holding the multifunction button for at least 5 seconds. After 3 seconds in one scale the
°F or °C will flash, indicating ready to measure.
Ensuring Accurate Temperature Measurement
We recommend using probe covers with all digital stick
thermometers (Figure 1).
Oral Use:
Place the probe well under the patient’s tongue
(Figure 2). Keep mouth closed while thermometer is reading.
Instruct children not to bite down on the probe. The peak
temperature should be reached in as little as 30* seconds.
Opening the mouth or improper placement of the probe tip
could result in a longer time for a reading.
(*30 second response time achieved in water bath test)
Digital Stick Thermometer
All Models with Fahrenheit or Celsius Reading
Important warning/caution
Phthalate free
Operating instructions
Lot number
Multifunction button
Auto detection error
Memory indication
Low battery indication
Not made with natural rubber latex
Probe Tip
Display Window
Multifunction Button
Figure 1
Figure 2
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