Section 4: Bolting the Wing to the Fuselage
Step 8
Check the alignment of the wing by measuring the
distance from the wing tip to the T-pin you installed in
Step 6. Make sure to measure from the same spot on
both wing tips. Once satisfied with alignment, tighten
the wing bolts securely.
Step 9
Using a felt-tipped pen or pencil, carefully mark around
the outside of the wing bolt plate.
Step 10
Remove the wing from the fuselage and using a sharp
hobby knife, carefully trim away the covering on the wing
1/8" inside the lines you marked for the wing-bolt plate.
Be sure to avoid cutting into the balsa wood.
Step 11
Mix approximately 1/4 ounce of 6-minute epoxy
and glue the wing hold-down plate onto the wing.
Wipe off any excess epoxy and remove any epoxy
from the wing-bolt holes. Allow the epoxy to
completely cure before proceeding.