The HP Jetdirect Control Panel Menu 277
Classic Control Panel
Classic control panels can typically display
two lines of 16 characters each.
As described in
Table C.1
, the HP Jetdirect
control panel menu allows you to enable or
disable network protocols, and configure
selected network parameters. On the control
panel display, an asterisk (*) is used to
identify the selected value.
Table C.1
HP Jetdirect Classic Control Panel Menu (1 of 6)
Menu Item
Selects whether or not you want to access the Jetdirect menu.
NO (default): Bypass the HP Jetdirect menu.
YES: Access the HP Jetdirect menu. You must change this to
YES* each time you want to access the menu.
CFG 802.11B=
(802.11b wireless print servers only) Selects whether or not you
want to access the 802.11b configuration menu.
NO (default): Bypass the menu.
YES: Access the menu. You must change this to YES* each time
you want to access the menu.
If YES* is selected, the following items may be configured:
Note: Most classic control panels display uppercase characters
only. To indicate case, the symbol “+” (for uppercase) or “-” (for
lowercase) will appear after each character during character
MODE: Choose one of the following wireless topologies:
AD HOC (default)
INFRA. (Infrastructure Mode)